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The question was asked by our Music Ministry Head during our devotion yesterday(during our 2nd service). Our fellow members answered some specific worship service where they were blessed by the songs, the way worship leader leads, the line-up, etc.. One answered that he was able to worship even his intrument is not heard through the big, loud speakers.

I did not speak. My answer is very similar to others. The best worship i had this year happened last December 9. Bro. Jun Godornes led us in worship. The songs were nice. The voices were excellent! The intruments were complete. Grand Piano, Kulintang, Flute, Rondalla.. name it..we had it.. the sounds made were great.. It was an excellent worship! I sensed that our worship rose above the Heaven as a Sweet Aroma before our Creator.

Did i get the correct answer? hehe.. I doubt my answer then. There could be a best answer for that question. Hmmm...

What if the answer is NOW? hehe..

As music ministers, we should have a new perspective with this question. The Best Worship is not in the past. It is the next worship prayformance ;) Today's worship, I'm giving my best to God as if this is my last worship to Him. In every worship, one must be in his/her "performance level". Life is short. It is possible that next Sunday wont come. Or the next Midweek Service. Or the next morning. ;)

Today, I'm giving my best worship. Tomorrow, i will give my "best of the best" worship!

Happy New Year everyone!