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I'm sorry for this delayed post. Was so busy with work last weekend. As promised here are the last two post of Bianca on Christianster.

God Is Just 100 Yards Away..

John 21:7-8

7Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, "It is the Lord," he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. 8The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards.

Have you ever felt so far from God?

Have you ever felt that God is no longer listening?

Well, I did.

At the first month from the day i discovered my disease, i felt as if God had forgotten me.. I never felt so far from the Lord in my entire life.. Little have I known that God is just 100 yards away..

The apostles at that time also felt the same thing. They felt that Jesus had left them, so they decided to go "on their own" and catch fish, since there's no "Jesus" anymore who'll feed them.. It is surprising that the best fisherman of his days-- Peter, caught no fish that night. Then it is dawn, just when the disciples have given all hopes to catch a bounty, Jesus at last made his presence known. He asked the disciples to drop their nets to their right. And they followed straight away. They didn't argue with Jesus and said, "well Jesus, we've just been through every corner if this lake and there's no fish! Then you're telling us now that there is fish in "here"?

Friends, how many times have we done "our" thing and not God's, because we "felt" that God is away.. but like what happened to the disciples, our actions away from God are all futile.. Friend I want you to realize this TRUTH.. the farthest that God can be away from us is just 100 yards.. Jesus didn't leave his disciples when they went into the lake wanting fish.. He's just on the shore watching them.. the same as us, he'll never leave us even on the most trying times of our lives.. he's always on watch.. then after realizing that we can't do anything apart from Him, he'll make his presence known.. but it is saddening how long it takes christians to realize this truth.. Jesus is asking the same thing, cast your net on your right.. Even though it felt as if it will not bring any good since you already tried all to resolve your problem, still Jesus asks you to cast your nets.. You've done your thing, now let him do his.. Just follow Jesus' lead and you'll never be lost..

Knowing that God is always on the watch like a caring father to his son must bring comfort to your troubling hearts.. it must bring peace to your broken homes.. it must bring healing to your weakend bodies.. 'till then.. God bless!

I really appreciate those encouraging words and prayers from you guys.. I'll keep on fighting but promise me you'll keep on fighting too.. Thanks!

Bianca - 12/17/07